
September 15, 2022

The Role of Card Sorting in UX Design

UX Design
Card Sorting
Information Architecture
UX Process

Card sorting is a technique used by UX designers to help them design the information architecture (IA) of a website or application. It involves creating a set of cards, each representing a piece of content or functionality  and then having users sort those cards into categories that make sense to them. This can help designers understand how users think about and organize the content, and can provide insight into how to structure the IA in a way that is intuitive and easy to navigate for users.

There are several reasons why UX designers might use card sorting as a technique for designing IA:

  1. To understand user mental models: Card sorting helps designers understand how users think about and organize the content, which can be useful for designing an IA that reflects the way users think about the site or app.
  2. To create a clear hierarchy: By understanding how users group and categorize content, designers can create a clear hierarchy of information that is easy to navigate.
  3. To identify common terminology: Card sorting can also help designers identify common terms and language that users use to describe the content, which can be helpful in labeling and organizing the site or app.
  4. To improve findability: A well-designed IA makes it easy for users to find the content they are looking for. Card sorting can help designers identify common patterns in how users expect to find content, which can be used to create more effective navigation and search systems.

Overall, card sorting is a valuable technique for UX designers because it helps them understand how users think about and organize the content, which can be used to design an IA that is intuitive and easy to navigate.