
May 21, 2024

News Alert: Indian Government Takes a Stand Against Dark Patterns!

Good Design
UX Design
UX Laws
User Behaviour

The Central Consumer Protection Authority has issued 'Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns', bringing India closer to ethical design practices! 

Dark pattern in design refers to a deceptive and manipulative user interface (UI) or user experience (UX) design element that is crafted to trick users into taking actions they might not intend to take. Dark patterns are intentionally designed to exploit human psychology, often for the benefit of the company or organization implementing them rather than the user. These misleading tactics are pervasive, extending from popular retail platforms to our favourite food delivery apps. Virtually every online service incorporates some form of deception or user manipulation to enhance their profits.

How many times have we found ourselves signing up for unnecessary spam emails from websites we rarely visit?

Haven't we all been tricked into paying extra for products/services we never actually added ourselves to the cart during checkout?

And...let's not get started on the never-ending advertisements disguised as articles, notifications, false endorsements and whatnot!

Inspired by successful international models, the Indian government's proactive stance against dark patterns has resonated across diverse design and technology platforms. Notably, industry experts have weighed in, commending this initiative and recognizing its alignment with the growing global discourse on mitigating unfair design practices.

These new guidelines promote a positive stride towards encouraging transparency, trust, and user-friendly online experiences. This move ensures that digital platforms prioritize users' interests over deceptive tactics.

Fluidesigns celebrates this step towards a more user-centric digital landscape! Share this post to spread the word and empower others with this knowledge!