
April 9, 2024

A Company’s Guide to Boost Tech Product Profits with AI

AI in Design

Artificial Intelligence, a term that's been buzzing around for quite some time now, isn't exactly a stranger to any of us. Whether it's those irresistible Netflix or Amazon Prime recommendations that seem to eat up half of our weekends or the sheer convenience of having ChatGPT write just about anything for us (except this blog, we promise), AI has seamlessly integrated into our lives! From helping kids tackle their homework to empowering companies to streamline their products and workflows, AI is everywhere. It holds the potential to facilitate innovation, enhance efficiency, drive productivity, and deliver significant cost savings, allowing Indian businesses to stay competitive in the global market while adapting to rapidly changing industry landscapes.

AI can assist companies across various sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance, agriculture, education, retail, transportation, and logistics, by providing solutions tailored to each industry's specific needs and challenges. In fact, by 2030, the global economy is estimated to reap $15.7 trillion in benefits from AI. This constitutes more than 14% of the estimated increase in GDP worldwide!

Join Fluidesigns as we break down how companies can leverage this technology to enhance their products and services and maximise profits!

1. Manufacturing
  • By analysing data from machinery sensors, AI can forecast potential equipment failures. This proactive approach allows for timely maintenance scheduling, reducing unexpected downtime and associated costs.
  • Leveraging AI, companies can predict demand more accurately, optimise inventory levels, and streamline logistics operations. This results in improved supply chain efficiency and cost reductions.
  • AI can analyse customer preferences and behaviour to provide personalised product recommendations and experiences. This tailored approach enhances customer satisfaction and fosters brand loyalty.
  • AI can identify potential hazards in manufacturing environments through data analysis and monitoring. By implementing proactive safety measures and continuously analysing safety data, companies can enhance workplace safety and minimise risks.

2. Healthcare
  • With AI, Electronic Health Record (EHR) management can become more than just digital documentation. AI can streamline tasks like data entry, organisation, and retrieval, enabling healthcare providers to focus more on patient care and less on administrative work. 
  • Traditional medical treatments often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, but AI is changing that paradigm. By analysing extensive patient data, including genetics, medical history, and treatment outcomes, AI can create personalised treatment plans, optimising care for each individual.
  • AI-driven medical imaging analysis holds the promise of significantly enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. By leveraging machine learning algorithms to interpret radiological images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, AI systems can assist healthcare professionals in detecting subtle abnormalities and patterns indicative of disease. 
  • Predictive analytics powered by AI can identify patterns and trends in patient data, allowing healthcare providers to anticipate and prevent complications beforehand.

3. Finance
  • AI can analyse user’s financial data, preferences, and goals to offer personalised investment advice, considering factors like risk tolerance and market conditions to guide individuals towards optimal decisions for achieving their financial goals.
  • AI algorithms can continuously monitor transactions and behaviours, detecting anomalies and suspicious activities in real-time. By swiftly identifying potential fraud, companies can take immediate action to mitigate risks, preventing financial losses and protecting both themselves and their customers.
  • AI-powered algorithms can execute trades rapidly and accurately, leveraging vast amounts of data and market insights to optimise trading decisions. 
  • Companies can utilise AI for portfolio management and optimisation, analysing market trends and optimising asset allocations based on individual risk preferences and financial goals.
  • Fintech platforms leverage AI to educate users by summarising complex financial reports and charts into easy-to-understand formats. This can help users to make informed financial decisions, improving financial literacy and confidence among individuals.

4. Agriculture
  • Companies can use AI for crop monitoring and management, enabling remote tracking of crop health, growth patterns, and resource usage. 
  • AI-powered systems can detect pests and diseases early, minimising crop damage and optimising yield.
  • AI can enable soil health assessment by analysing soil composition and nutrient levels, guiding farmers in making informed decisions about fertilisation and soil management.
  • AI-driven weather forecasting and risk management can help farmers anticipate weather patterns and mitigate risks associated with adverse weather conditions.
  • Companies can use AI-powered irrigation management systems to optimise water usage and conserve resources while ensuring efficient crop growth.

5. Education
  • AI can revolutionise education by creating personalised learning paths tailored to individual student needs, considering factors such as academic performance, interests in co-curricular activities, and character traits. 
  • AI can enable automated grading and feedback, streamlining assessment processes and providing timely feedback to students while reducing teacher workload.
  • AI-driven predictive models offer personalized career suggestions, reducing reliance on expensive career consultants by analysing diverse data, including academic performance and market trends. These models provide accurate guidance, aiding individuals in making informed decisions about their future career paths and college choices.
  • AI-driven language learning platforms can facilitate language acquisition through interactive exercises, speech recognition, and translation services, promoting multilingualism and cultural exchange. These platforms can also offer real-time feedback and personalised interventions to improve pronunciation and communication skills, aiding individuals in overcoming speech challenges.

6. Retail

AI has already been tackling retail challenges by analyzing customer data for personalised recommendations, deploying chatbots for instant assistance, optimising inventory management, offering virtual try-on experiences, etc. Some lesser-known applications are:

  • Companies can utilise AI algorithms for dynamic pricing and promotion optimisation, adjusting prices in real time based on demand and market conditions to maximise profitability.
  • AI-powered visual search and image recognition technologies can enable customers to find products quickly and easily, enhancing convenience and satisfaction.
  • Companies can leverage AI for customer segmentation and targeted marketing, analysing customer behaviour and preferences to tailor marketing campaigns for maximum impact.
  • AI can help with trend forecasting by analysing market trends and consumer behaviour, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve and capitalise on emerging opportunities in the retail landscape.

7. Transportation and Logistics 
  • AI can optimise routes by analysing data on traffic, weather, and delivery schedules, which can reduce transportation costs and enhance operational efficiency.
  • AI-powered predictive maintenance can identify potential vehicle and infrastructure failures before they occur, minimising downtime and associated maintenance costs for companies.
  • Through tracking and analysing data across the entire supply chain, AI can enhance visibility and transparency, enabling better decision-making and responsiveness to changes or disruptions.
  • Companies can utilise autonomous vehicles and drones powered by AI to achieve efficient and cost-effective transportation and delivery services, revolutionising traditional logistics methods.

Phew! Well, it is easy for us to give you an elaborate list of all these wonderful applications of AI, but implementing such large-scale changes can get a little overwhelming and challenging, especially for smaller start-ups. Worry not! Take a deep breath and follow these preliminary steps to get a kickstart on your journey towards a seamless integration of AI into your workflow. 

How To Implement:

1. Conduct a Comprehensive AI Readiness Assessment: Before diving into AI implementation, evaluate your organisation's current technological infrastructure, data capabilities, and workforce skills to assess readiness for AI adoption. Identify any gaps or areas that need improvement to support successful AI integration. Say there’s a healthcare startup that wants to implement AI-powered virtual health assistants. Then, it would be crucial for them to assess their current telemedicine infrastructure, data security measures, and healthcare professionals' familiarity with AI technologies. This evaluation will help them identify areas needing improvement for successful AI integration!

2. Define Clear Objectives and Use Cases: Identify clear objectives for AI adoption and define specific use cases where AI can add value to your business, such as improving efficiency, reducing costs, or enhancing customer experiences. Map out the customer journey to understand how AI can be integrated seamlessly into existing workflows instead of starting from scratch! For example, if a banking institution aims to reduce customer wait times, they can define a use case for AI-powered chatbots to handle routine customer inquiries and transactions. 

A secret hack is to consult UX designers who can conduct journey mapping of your system, identify touchpoints for optimisation, and create prototypes to test solution effectiveness before heavy development investment. This approach will ensure that AI solutions are tailored to meet business objectives, delivering a seamless and intuitive experience for customers!

3. Start with Pilot Projects and Proof of Concepts: Begin with pilot projects and proof of concepts to test the feasibility and potential impact of AI solutions in real-world scenarios. Start small to minimise risks and gather valuable insights into the effectiveness of AI technologies. Pilot projects allow for experimentation and iteration before scaling up AI implementations! 

For example, companies encountering challenges with customer onboarding often rely on live customer agents for assistance. However, they can optimise this process by introducing AI agents. In this case, the company can conduct a pilot project by implementing AI agents in a small-scale trial within their onboarding process. During this phase, they can closely monitor user interactions, understand what are the challenges and gather feedback. This data can further help them offer personalised guidance and suggestions to their users, making the onboarding process much easier! 

Now that you've acquired all the resources to start with your AI integration journey, what are you waiting for? Dive in, and don't forget to check out more of some amazing blogs brought to you by Fluidesigns!